Saturday, August 29, 2009

Mission accomplished!

We`ll after a second day of interviewing I was offered a job. Looks like I will be moving to Tokushima, Shikoku Japan by the end of the year. I gotta get some visa things worked out so I may head back to states while that is all being worked out which would be nice to try good Mexican food one last time and see my friends again before a year or more away. It is a pretty good job with a lot of good benefits. Shikoku is a bit rural in some ways but it is beautiful and I have heard so many good things from other teachers who have or are living there currently. It will definitely be a an adventure.

So after 26 days I accomplished the goal and landed a job. Now I can just relax in Tokyo for awhile till my return flight Oct 5th, then I prepare for coming back and starting life in my new home. This blog should start to get a lot more interesting, haha.

Thanks Jesus!


  1. I don't know if you can read this.. this post is an old one. I can see that you are still in Japan.. I guess. You are such a doer not a talker!! I like your spirit! I read about how you got a job in Japan. You are amazing!!! Keep it up!! :)

  2. Hey Lily. Sorry for the late response. Yeah I made it and I'm still here, haha. Love Korea by the way too. Been there 5 times since moving out to Asia. Thanks for the comment. Love your videos. Yuri is so cute and the "Ask James" videos are an interesting perspective. Just got in an intercultural relationship myself so always nice to see you guys enjoying yours. God bless.

