Wednesday, August 26, 2009

GEOS interview day 1

So today was the first day of my two day interview process with GEOS a large well established language company. I spent 5 hours for today's interview process.

Let me start by saying not everyone would make it to the second day. If after the first few hours of the first day they wanted you to come back they would ask you, and yes they asked me. =)
The very first thing we had to do was a quiz on some English as well as general knowledge. We had 10 minutes to complete it. Most of us did fairly poor from what I gathered. The quiz got really randomed as it went from English to asking questions like who were the three people involved in the "Warsaw Pact". I think we all failed it, but luckily those who come back the second day get a chance to retake it and it will be the exact same quiz. (Which means time for me to do some googling)

The two biggest parts of the first day that was a deciding factor in being asked to come back was the 3 minute model lesson and the one on one consultation.
The first was the 3 minute model. We were giving a few topics and given around 15 minutes to prepare a 3 minute lesson for the employer. I felt pretty comfortable with my lesson and I pretty much knew what I needed to improve. What he told me mostly is that I need to let the student talk more, because GEOS has a huge focus on conversation which is fine with me because its where a lot of my experience includes.

After that I went through a consultation process which was like a mini interview of him asking me various questions such as "why do you want to work in Japan?" and "what experience do you have?" I was then told that they wanted me to continue the day and to return for the second part as well. There were 7 of us in the beginning waiting to be called from the class room we sat in. If you were not asked to return, you were never seen again by the others in the class. From the 7 that began, 4 of us were asked to return. We then learned more about GEOS and their teaching method as well as information on salary and vacation and things like that which are all pretty good. At the end we were given another topic and we are suppose to make a 20 minute model lesson for the second day. One of the other candidates also decided she didn`t want to try for the job anymore and she dropped out. There are now three of us remaining, and I found it a little funny that all 3 of us are black. 2 Americans, and 1 African. I just didn`t imagine that is something you see too often in a interview in Japan.

So tomorrow is 20 minute lesson model and some more consultation and it is possible that they could be making job offers before we go home. God willing, lets see what happens. Now I gotta go prepare that model lesson.


  1. praise God! I am very encouraged and can't wait to see what the Lord is going to do . MY prayers go with you!

  2. Hi Christian, I just wanted to write some things about your posting.

    First of all, I have an upcoming GEOS interview and wanted to thank you for your synopsis/summary. Do you have any further tips on getting to the second day?

    Second of all, you mentioned that there were three people left in the interview, all of whom were black. I'm white. Will the color of my skin will affect whether or not I get offered a job. I guess what I'm asking is: do you think it was a fair interview?

    Third, I wanted to congratulate you on getting the job. Even though I can tell you are quite religious and I noticed that the grammar you have used throughout your blog is quite poor, I still hope the best for you.

    It is likely that you may need to help many an atheist student learn English and I hope that you will not see yourself as a missionary. Other than that, best of luck!


  3. Wow, I am not even sure where to start. You seem to really want some help and yet a lot of negative things seem to be thrown my way. Thanks for the grammar tips, I am not a grammar teacher at GEOS and I like to write my blogs a bit more relaxed given its just me letting people know how I feel about things and my life. I am also not the best at grammar nor have I claimed to be anywhere on here.

    2nd, I like to thank God for the things he`s given me. I know exactly what I am over here. I never once said anything about pushing any religion or anything. I would love to share to anyone who cares, and I will let God decide how that happens and if it does. Do people normally go to atheist teachers and say I hope they dont try to convice someone there is no God?? I am totally aware of the religious percentage of my students. Im not just in Japan to pick up girls, or play the latest video games. I am interested in the culture and know a bit about it. Also as a Christian, anywhere I go I am a missionary as much as I am called to be. Given I don`t think you will end up being one of my students you shouldn`t worry about it too much. And I hope you don`t see yourself as some sort of anti~missionary. =)

    3rd, if the color of your skin affects you getting the job my guess it would be on the positive side. The reason I mentioned the all 3 black people is because I was surprised that it turned out like this given white is still the preferred color in most places.

    4th, because I do believe in God and kindness and I try to be atleast a decent person I feel like helping you regardless of the unmotivated remarks. With that being said....

    My best tip to you is to try and be as outgoing and charming as possible (so relax on the assumptions of people.) They dont want someone who will stand there like a robot and just repeat sentences. They want someone "genki" (lively). So on first interview they will have you do short presentation, like 5 minutes or so. Biggest thing to remember is let the students do most of the talking. Incite them to speak. They should be speaking more than you do. This isnt public school, and they dont operate like one.

    So good luck and remember you will be teaching many various students with different ideas, beliefs, and grammar levels so dont be so quick to judge. If you are that much better than you should have no problem landing the job. Hope you get it, and God Bless (wether you like it or not =)

  4. Hi Christian,

    I'm impressed with your generous response. Thank you for your tips. I feel slightly bad that I was so cold and judgmental at first. It is just I have encountered many "pushy" religious people throughout my life. I"m sure you understand.

    I didn't intend to imply that I was better at grammar than you. Should I land the job, you sound like a decent person with whom I wouldn't mind having a beer.

    Thank you again!

  5. And you know what, I appreciate your gentle reply back, so with that let me know if u have any other questions or need any other help.

    By the way, during the short 1st day presentation. When you are teaching the topic they have given you be sure to show what you are trying to teach more than explain it. What I mean by this is say you are explaining "I play football" start by drawing a picture of someone playing football and try and incite the student to tell you what is happening and then explain it to them. Best of luck!!
