Monday, February 14, 2011

Testing time

As a Christian I've become no stranger to times in which my faith is tested. Now is one of those times. In almost an exact month from now my contract with my currently job will be over. Not only does this mean I will be without a job but since the company is tied to my apartment, it also means I will be out of a home. You can see where I might have concern yet this all feels like deja-vu for me. If you look back in my archives you can read about a time when I was first planning to come to Japan and looking for a job and my worries then and how it all worked out.

If you go back about a year you can read about how I was trying to find a better job and how I was blessed with my current city and job. Those examples are just two of many times in which God has wanted me to trust in him. As I've experienced his blessings each time I've begin to worry a lot less about my future circumstances, and at this point I feel quite confident that a new job will show itself if I just wait a little. God is always on time despite how rushed I may think I am to complete something. I'm gonna miss this current chapter in my life but I trust God has something even better in store for me in the next one, and when that blessing comes I will be sure to post it for all to see. So instead of worrying about what will happen to me in a month I will instead look back at God's goodness and simply say "Here we go again."


  1. looks like both of us are experiencing somewhat similar scenarios. Definitely just going to take some trust and prayer.

  2. Hey Christian, my name is Angela Brown and I am a student at Southeast Missouri State. I am really interested in teaching abroad. I wanted to speak with someone who has done it, and Peter Chanthanakone recommend you to me and Dr. Sen (my professor. Well I really like your blog and I really look forward to speaking with you about this opportunity. My email is
