Tuesday, October 26, 2010

English Teachers=Jerks %65 of the time?

There are some people who would say that I am a "hater" for what I am about to talk about. There are others who would pay little to no attention to this post.
Then there are those who would call me a hero. This post is for all three of them, with an emphasis on the last group.

Everything I am about to say is strictly from my experience and while that may make it an opinion, it doesn't change the fact that this is my honest true experiences. I've come to realize that most male English Teachers teaching in Japan (and I don't see why any other Asian country would be different) are basically jerks. The truth is a painful pill to swallow. It seems male foreigners biggest reason to live in another country is so that they can date as many girls as they want, and teaching English was their key to doing this. I imagine most English teachers make a check list of things they want to accomplish while abroad and it looks something like this.

Things to do while in Japan/China/Korea/Taiwan/ect
1. Get super drunk every weekend
2. Get with as many girls as possible

I have met many guys who have more than one girlfriend or while in a relationship still flirting and getting close with other girls. The worst of it is, there seems to be a fair amount of guys who are married to Japanese women and they still go out on the weekends trying to flirt with girls to get into some kind of sexual situation. What really sucks about this is that the women seem to have no clue. They are too hung up on the idea of love or too enthralled with the fact that they have a foreign boyfriend who says all the right things. We'll of course they say all the right things, and to be honest the women make it pretty easy to say all the right things. I also have too many female Japanese friends who have been cheated on by their foreign boyfriends, but while I am placing blame on the guys I must say that if you know the guy is a cheater and you still insist you love him, then I can't do anything for you but listen to your complaints.

Personally I am pretty good at looking at a westerner and knowing if they are good guys are not. I understand being an Asian women that it may be quite hard for you to know if he's a genuine guy or not. Its hard for me sometimes to know if an Asian woman is a sweet respectable person or for lack of a better word a whore, but these woman need to be more careful when choosing their mates.

For all you jerk guys out there (you know who you are) please stop ruining the image of all of us foreign guys/teachers. Some of us wouldn't mind finding a girl to actually start a meaningful relationship and possibly getting married while staying faithful to that one women. Why do you guys insist on being jerks? You wouldn't get away with half of that crap in your own country. Show these women some respect, they have a weakness for falling love and you are taking advantage of it. So call me a hater or accuse me of ruining everything you worked for, but its time people know the truth.

Many foreign male (particularly native English speakers)English teachers are jerks. Women do your research on a guy before you give your heart to him. Him being foreign doesn't make him awesome, and just because he knows how to make up some sweet things to say to you doesn't mean you should marry him.

God bless and good luck.

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