Sunday, November 28, 2010


"Dear China, could you please friggin attempt to calm the trigger happy North Korean allies of yours. With great power comes great responsibility so stop sitting around and help as much as possible with peace efforts."
Everyone's Ally Christian

This comment posted as my facebook status seems to have started a bit of a debate not surprisingly from Chinese. In all truth it wasn't meant to be an angry attack. I was just letting out some frustration with the recent situation regarding N.Korea and S.Korea, and its a statement I stand by. Regardless, people tend to get defensive about their countries. I personally am not a fan of a "country" meaning the people in charge and how its ran. What I do love is people, and it doesn't matter what country they may come from. With that said I'd like to clear the air for anyone who may think that I am against their country, cause the truth is I'm against them all perhaps my own more than others.

Here are four short letters I would write to four different countries discussing my problems with them. (Not that my opinion matters.) You will notice that almost all the countries are in Asia. This isn't because I have something against Asia. In fact its the exact opposite. Most of my interest lies in Asia and given that I live in Japan, study Korean, and my closest friends here are Chinese, I just happen to know more about these countries. With the exception of the last one I have a lot of love for the people of these countries which is why their flaws frusterate me more. I'm sure there are plenty European,African ect countries that I'd have some hangups with as well.

*WARNING* You may be offended but most likely only because the truth is hard to swallow.

Dear America
Your past is filled with stories of stealing what belonged to other people. You stole land, you stole my identity and you stole lives. You call yourselves United but a thick cloud of racism says otherwise. Also, you need to stop trying to be the superhero of the world and work on fixing things in your corrupted country as well as quit starting wars for resources. If you wanted oil you should have robbed the Middle East of its land instead of the Native Americans.

Dear South Korea
Stop being so close minded and racist. You are ignorant of other cultures so you just continue to reject everything about them except the entertainment. Your parents are so biased and unfair against their kids being in interracial relationships that you would actually rather disowned your own kid. Is that real love? Also, you are stressing your kids out with too much school. Your plastic surgery is out of control.

Dear China
Learn how to take responsibility for things and stop being so extreme. You accidentally smash into a Japanese ship and then deny it and on top of that stage all sorts of violent protest against the Japanese when it turns out it was your fault. Admit your wrongs and give your people a little more leeway.You willingly allied up with a country that I am sure even you agree is crazy. Also, stop making crappy products that poison people. Its just bad business.

Dear Japan
You spent your past lives taking over other people's lands and causing so much animosity between yourselves and them. You've been quieted by an atomic bomb but it feels like you would still destroy another country if you had the power to. You put too much focus on work and not on family and thus your suicide rate is insane. Also you are outrageously perverted and now its turned your guys into sex freaks who sexual harass women daily on trains and women who think a huge breasted Jr.High school student cartoon character being stared down by older guys is cute.

Dear North Korea
Truth is I only added you because you are the reason this post even exist. I don't think much needs to be said.I only noticed because you made a lot of commotion recently. The only reason anyone ever notices you. You are horrible to your people and bullies. I've never been one to agree with an assasination but for you I'd make an exception. My heart goes out to your people.

P.S. May God Bless you all!


  1. You have interesting opinions, Christian, some with which I agree. I am not offended by any of your opinions. However, at times you draw conclusions from inaccurate information.

    About America and your last comment . . . in 1776 crude oil was not a common fuel product, whale oil was. America was rich with whale resources along its shores. Also the Ottoman Empire was too strong for England or early America to defeat and colonize. Thus America was the logical choice to colonize and exploit.
    Fact: when oil was found during the drilling of water wells in early American history, it was initially thought of as contamination rather than a useful natural resource.

    You might want to change “Indians” to Native or North American Indians. Indians refers to the people of India.

    About your China comment . . . did China really sink a Japanese ship? Sorry, I am not up on that. I only know about the Chinese fishing boat that rammed a Japanese coast guard ship in a dispute with China over maritime territories causing minor damage and the seizure of the Chinese boat and its captain. Is that the incident you are talking about?

    Japan’s suicide ratio is high (36:100,000) and much higher than US statistics, though, still lower than Russia and other European countries. It is uncertain if there is a significant correlation between excessive hours at work and suicide.

    I do not dispute your personal experience; however, in all my time in Japan, I have never seen women sexually harassed on trains. The one time I did see Japanese women sexually harassed was by an intoxicated American in the streets of Okayama.

  2. Appreciate the nonconfrontational comments.
    1. Thanks on the call about the Native Americans.
    2. Did the ship not sink? I for some reason thought it did, but perhaps I am wrong. I will change it though the point still remains.
    3. I can't prove it but I feel its the overwork and the stress to fit in with society that plays a big part in the suicides. Also while there may be countries that have higher suicide rates my goal wasn't to compare countries.
    4. The fact that Tokyo has trains dedicated strictly to Women because of sexual harassment speaks for itself. Check it out on the web, Japan has a pervert problem and is not trying to hide it.

    Once again, I appreciate the comments. Thanks for reading. The post may come off more upset than I actually am =)
