Tuesday, July 14, 2009

God is greeeeeeat!!! ( Tony the Tiger style)

So guess what??!!! No, go ahead guess....seriously take a guess!! TOO LATE!! I'm gonna tell you!

So today I sold my car!
After that I sold a bunch of video game stuff!

What this means is I now have the money to buy my ticket and reserve my guest house room and feel comfortable surviving on the mean streets of Tokyo as I look for a job for a few months. Talk about feeling relaxed. I also found out the head of the Language school I work at now occasionally worked in Japan before and just got back from a visit. He says he doesn't have any direct contacts in Tokyo but has friends who do and will ask around for me. This could potentially be something. I've gotten a few contacts and experience since being back in St.Louis. Who would have thought St.Louis of all places.

It was sad to see the car go. Me and her had a lot of great summer adventures and she served me well. I remember the time someone ripped her convertible top open and stole my new Cd player right in front of my home...wait that wasn't good. We'll it was made up my hot summer nights driving with the wind blowing feeling care free. I came home tonight opened my garage door and there was a huge empty space where my car was.....made me a bit sad. Giving up the video games is even sadder. I have been collecting this stuff for a long time. I still have a lot left and hopefully I can sell some more before I leave for some extra cash. I need a digital camera before I go. How else will I update my blog with crazy pictures of Japanese men dancing with monkeys?

Better yet what this means is that I will be buying my airline ticket and reserving my room in Japan quite soon...perhaps later today. Stay tuned!

I'd like to take this moment to thank God cause he's come through once again and I told him I'd give a shout out to him. After seeing him pull this off I feel much more comfortable about the task of obtaining a job that is still ahead of me.

And now I leave you with crazy Korean Ice Cream commercial

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