Friday, April 1, 2011

Snack Attack (Prt 4)

This addition of Snack Attack features a few Korean snacks I tried while on vacation in South Korea.

스윙칩(Su Uing Chip)
 These pepper sauce flavored chips are not spicy at all and actually taste a bit sweet but I enjoy the flavor despite being initially disappointed at the lack of spice.

*** out of *****

새콤달콤 (Sae  Kom Dal Kom)

My absolute favorite Korean candy. It's similar to Korean Mae Chew or Japanese Hi-Chew except that it has a tinge of a sour taste to it. It's a tad harder than the previously mentioned candies but still chewy. Flavors include Grape,Strawberry,Pineapple,Cola, and Peach.

***** out of *****

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