Wednesday, May 19, 2010

English at an early age

I'm a bit surprise people are still thinking about signing up for classes given the such recent chaos, but lo and behold I had a model lesson last week, and even more amazing is that it was for a 10 month yr old baby. Yep, you heard that right. 10 FRIGGIN MONTHS! Apparently the managers advised the parents that it wouldn't be such a good idea but they were just so excited to start filling their young offspring with English, even before the poor thing can learn to say "Hello" in Japanese which essentially puts me and that baby on the same level of Japanese. (wink)

So what exactly do you do as a model lesson for a child who's legs can barely keep him up? Well if you are in my situation you end up doing body parts which consist mostly of the baby staring blankly at you as you point and dance. I'm all for getting started at an early age but give the poor kid a year at least to begin adapting to this madness of a world, before trying to make his 1st language something other than it should be.

The best part is the parents signed up, but he wont be in my class so ganbatte to the teacher who gets him.

Just think how many languages I could know if I had started before I was old enough to use a spoon properly. "Sigh" like dust in the wind...

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