Monday, March 12, 2012

Farewell to the 3rd year students

Last Friday March 9th was graduation day for the 3rd year students at my Jr.High School. I've worked in other Jr.High schools before but this was the first time my work contract extended through graduation and thus the first time I saw a Japanese Jr.High graduation ceremony. It began with various speeches from teachers and the principal which led into each of the student's name being called out as they walk to the front to receive their diploma and then bowed to the audience before returning to their seats. All the teachers and staff were present as well as many parents and all the students from the lower grades gathered in the school gym. After a lot more talking and some speeches from the class leaders all of the students at the school stood up and sang a song. The singing went back and forth between the graduating 3rd year students and the 1st and 2nd year students finally ending with the 1st and 2nd year students singing farewell as the 3rd year students one by one walked out of the gym. The 3rd year students then went back to their classes and spent some last time with each other and their home room teachers sharing memories and thanking each other. It was sad to watch as I really enjoyed the 3rd year's and watching them say goodbye to each other in tears made it impossible for me to keep a dry eye. Finally the 1st and 2nd year students went home early and the 3rd year students went back to the gym for the final goodbye to the teachers. During this time many of the students I grew close to came to me and had me sign their year books and took pictures with each other. Those kids were the best thing about my job and now that they are gone I feel a little empty but I'm happy to see them moving on to their next step in life.

If their behavior the past school year is any indication the 2nd year students who will soon be 3rd year students will never be able to compare to the students I lost last Friday. It's gonna be a different year indeed but all good things must come to an end.

Each class made a little booklet for me and each student wrote a message inside.

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